A Place For Us

This is a site where we can post our thoughts and pics and stuff like that. Publicly available, but not publicly promoted. All that means is we discourage search engines from adding any of our content to their databases. That makes it much more difficult for anyone to find this place.

Why This and Not FaceBook?

FaceBook is OK, but it is very public and is more about friendships and acquaintances and making money. For many, it also has too many choices. Most of us just want something simple, quick, and easy that will let us post our thoughts and/or some fun pictures we took recently.

This place is very different from how FaceBook works so if you are more used to using FaceBook this can seem more difficult. But really, after you get used to it this is far easier and faster and less complex.

How to Get Started?

Good question. Well, you have to be a family member first of all. If that is the case then you can fill out the Contact Us form with your information so I can verify you and give you a log username and password. Once you have that you can use the LOG IN link in the lower right corner of the screen to gain access to the “back end” of this software and start creating your own content.

You’ll have your own “section” where you can post notes about what’s going on in your life with photos of things or just talk about things you’d like to say.